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Cheese Blocker™

Manual Food Processors

Cheese Blocker™

The Vollrath® Cheese Blocker helps you prepare cheese for a variety of flavorful dishes by cutting large amounts of cheese into smaller, more manageable blocks. The simple design and strong wire ensure accurate cuts that result in beautiful cheese blocks, which are then ready to be transformed into appetizing cubes, slices or shredded cheese. Preparing and handling large blocks and wheels of soft cheese has never been this easy.

  • Accommodates soft cheese blocks up to 50 pounds and wheels up to 35 pounds
  • Not intended for use with hard cheeses or food
  • Prepares cheese for cubing, slicing and shredding
  • ½-inch measuring increments on front plate and base help create accurately sized blocks

The Vollrath Cheese Blocker™ Family

Vollrath Inspiration

Affordable Portable™ Features

Our Affordable Portable™ serving lines are a great value in serving equipment. Product Features Optional UL listed incandescent/infrared lighting assembly showcases...

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