Difference Between A Warmer And Rethermalizer

What is a rethermalizer? How is it different from a warmer? Use this page as a guide to help you determine whether a Vollrath warmer or rethermalizer better fits the needs of your applications.
- Keeps hot food hot
- Holds heated food
- Meets appropriate NSF4 criteria
Performance Criteria:
Designed to hold heated prepared foods at temperatures above the HACCP "danger zone" of 140°F (60°C). The performance standard is measured using the NSF mixture preheated to 160°F (71.1°C). The unit will hold the temperature of this product above 150°F (65°C). The temperature will be maintained when the food product and inset are used with a standard inset cover, the proper water level is maintained in the well, and the food product is stirred regularly.
- Takes prepared food from chilled to hot
- Holds heated food
- Meets appropriate NSF4 criteria
Performance Criteria:
Designed to take a container of prepared food from a chilled state (below 40°F [4.4°C]) through the HACCP "danger zone" to a temperature of 165°F (73.9°C) in less than 90 minutes. The performance standard is measured using the NSF mixture chilled to 35°F (1.7°C). The unit will raise the temperature of this product above 165°F (73.9°C) in less than 90 minutes. The temperature will be maintained above 150°F (65.6°C) when the food product and inset are used with a standard inset cover, the proper water level is maintained in the well and the food product is stirred regularly.